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Thamnophis proximus (Say, 1823) - Orange-striped Ribbonsnake

Potential County Records

Potential counties for Thamnophis proximus (Orange-striped Ribbonsnake). Counties are listed in descending order of their likelihood of having this species. Click on a county to view more information about that county. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
Likelihood County Rationale Ecoregion / Watershed
2 Atchison Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Steeply Rolling Loess Prairies
2 Cape Girardeau Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles St. Francis Lowlands
2 Harrison Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Lafayette Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Wooded Osage Plains
2 Lafayette Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
2 Livingston Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Sainte Genevieve Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles River Hills
4 Barry Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles White River Hills
4 De Kalb Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
4 Iron Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Meramec River Hills
4 Platte Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 Buchanan Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 Clinton Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
6 Clinton Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 McDonald Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Springfield Plateau
6 Saint Francois Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Eastern Ozark Border
6 Saint Francois Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Meramec River Hills
6 Worth Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
8 Madison Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Black River Hills Border
8 Perry Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles River Hills