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Sonora semiannulata Baird and Girard, 1853 - Variable Groundsnake

Collection Summary

Sonora semiannulata (Variable Groundsnake) has a total of 284 valid, non-duplicated collections representing 6 counties and 44 localities. There are a total of 29 collectors and 67 collection dates for the species. This results in a total of 77 expeditions for the species, a measure of unique date / collector(s) combinations. The earliest collection year for the species in Missouri is 1937 and its most recent collection year is 2012. The earliest and latest collection dates (independent of earliest and most recent collection years) are March 1 and September 27, respectively. If you have a new record to report, read the New Records section of the FAQ.

Collection Summary by County

Collection summary for Sonora semiannulata (Variable Groundsnake) by county. Some values are unavailable since some records are represented solely by historical literature reports, which sometimes lack complete collecting data. Click on a county name to view more information about that county. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
County Localities Collections Collectors Dates Expeditions Earliest Year Latest Year
Christian 1 1 1 1 1 1967 1967
McDonald 4 29 6 9 9 1958 1982
Ozark 10 68 5 12 14 1961 1982
Saint Clair 9 77 6 17 21 1937 1942
Stone 2 2 2 2 2 1946 1946
Taney 18 107 21 30 34 1946 2012