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Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Mediterranean Gecko


Locality Map

Locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

County Map

County map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
County map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Historical Locality Map

Historical locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Historical locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko). Black circles ( ) represent records after 1986, blue squares ( ) represent records between 1966 and 1986, orange triangles ( ) represent records prior to 1966. Note that more recent records might conceal underlying older records.
Map created 6 March 2024.

Historical County Map

Historical county map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Historical county map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko). Black circles ( ) represent records after 1986, blue squares ( ) represent records between 1966 and 1986, orange triangles ( ) represent records prior to 1966. Note that only the most recent county record for each county is shown.
Map created 6 March 2024.

Ecological Drainage Locality Map

Ecological Drainage Units map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Ecological Drainage Units locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Natural Divisions Locality Map

Natural Divisions locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Natural Divisions and Sections locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Major Watersheds Locality Map

Major watersheds map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Major Watersheds locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Level I Ecoregion Locality Map

Level I Ecoregions map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Level I Ecoregion locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Level II Ecoregion Locality Map

Level II Ecoregions map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Level II Ecoregion locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Level III Ecoregion Locality Map

Level III Ecoregions map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Level III Ecoregion locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Level IV Ecoregion Locality Map

Level IV Ecoregions map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko)
Level IV Ecoregion locality map for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko).
Map created 6 March 2024.

Native Status

Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko) is not native to Missouri. Thus far, non-native reptiles in Missouri have only been found in urban areas and do not appear to constitute a threat to our native herpetofauna. This is not the case everywhere and non-native species that become invasive are considered by many biologists to be a major threat, second only to habitat loss, to our native species. Care should be taken to prevent the spread of this and all non-native species. Furthermore, it is illegal to release non-native species into the environment.

Collection Summary

Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko) has a total of 10 valid, non-duplicated collections representing 5 counties and 9 localities. There are a total of 13 collectors and 9 collection dates for the species. This results in a total of 9 expeditions for the species, a measure of unique date / collector(s) combinations. The earliest collection year for the species in Missouri is 2003 and its most recent collection year is 2023. The earliest and latest collection dates (independent of earliest and most recent collection years) are August 3 and November 8, respectively. If you have a new record to report, read the New Records section of the FAQ.

Collection Summary by County

Collection summary for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko) by county. Some values are unavailable since some records are represented solely by historical literature reports, which sometimes lack complete collecting data. Click on a county name to view more information about that county. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
County Localities Collections Collectors Dates Expeditions Earliest Year Latest Year
Cape Girardeau 2 2 3 2 2 2021 2021
Greene 1 1 1 1 1 2020 2020
Newton 1 1 1 1 1 2015 2015
Perry 1 1 1 1 1 2021 2021
Saint Louis 4 5 7 4 4 2003 2023

Potential County Records

Potential counties for Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko). Counties are listed in descending order of their likelihood of having this species. Click on a county to view more information about that county. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
Likelihood County Rationale Ecoregion / Watershed
2 Jasper Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Springfield Plateau
2 Jefferson Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Eastern Ozark Border
2 Saint Charles Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles River Hills
3 Scott Same Level III ecoregion, within 5 miles Interior River Valleys and Hills
4 Christian Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Springfield Plateau
4 Sainte Genevieve Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles River Hills
4 Webster Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Springfield Plateau
6 Bollinger Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles River Hills
6 Franklin Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles River Hills
6 Franklin Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Eastern Ozark Border
6 Lawrence Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Springfield Plateau
6 Lincoln Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles River Hills
6 McDonald Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Springfield Plateau
6 Polk Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Springfield Plateau
6 Stone Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Springfield Plateau
7 Dallas Same Level III ecoregion, within 20 miles Ozark Highlands
8 Barry Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Springfield Plateau
8 Barton Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Springfield Plateau
8 Dade Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Springfield Plateau
8 Douglas Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Springfield Plateau
8 Warren Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles River Hills
9 Laclede Same Level III ecoregion, within 30 miles Ozark Highlands
9 Mississippi Same Level III ecoregion, within 30 miles Interior River Valleys and Hills
9 Taney Same Level III ecoregion, within 30 miles Ozark Highlands
10 Madison Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Eastern Ozark Border
10 Saint Francois Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Eastern Ozark Border
11 Stoddard Same Level III ecoregion, adjacent county Ozark Highlands

Linnaean Classification

Animalia - Animals
Chordata - Chordates
Vertebrata - Vertebrates
Reptilia Laurenti, 1768 - Reptiles
Squamata Oppel, 1811 - Lizards and Snakes
Lacertilia Oppel, 1811 - Lizards
Gekkonidae Gray, 1825 - Geckos
Hemidactylus Gray, 1825 - House Geckos
Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Mediterranean Gecko

Recent Taxonomic Synonyms
