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Perry County, Missouri

Potential Species Records

Potential species for Perry County. Species are listed in descending order of their likelihood of occurrence within the county. Click on a species or common name to view more information about that species. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
Likelihood Species Common Name Rationale Ecoregion / Watershed
2 Ambystoma annulatum Ringed Salamander Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles River Hills
2 Hemidactylium scutatum Four-toed Salamander Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Eastern Ozark Border
2 Plestiodon anthracinus Southern Coal Skink Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles River Hills
2 Siren intermedia Western Lesser Siren Same watershed, within 5 miles Upper Mississippi-Cape Girardeau
4 Carphophis vermis Western Wormsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles River Hills
4 Carphophis vermis Western Wormsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Eastern Ozark Border
4 Hyla chrysoscelis Cope's Gray Treefrog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles River Hills
4 Plestiodon laticeps Broad-headed Skink Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles River Hills
4 Storeria dekayi DeKay's Brownsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Middle Mississippi Alluvial Plain
4 Storeria occipitomaculata Northern Red-bellied Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles River Hills
5 Coluber flagellum Eastern Coachwhip Same Level III ecoregion, within 10 miles Ozark Highlands
6 Ambystoma texanum Small-mouthed Salamander Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles River Hills
6 Ambystoma texanum Small-mouthed Salamander Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Middle Mississippi Alluvial Plain
6 Chrysemys dorsalis Southern Painted Turtle Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Middle Mississippi Alluvial Plain
6 Hyla cinerea Green Treefrog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Middle Mississippi Alluvial Plain
6 Lithobates sylvaticus Wood Frog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Eastern Ozark Border
6 Necturus maculosus Mudpuppy Same watershed, within 20 miles Whitewater
6 Pseudacris illinoensis Illinois Chorus Frog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Middle Mississippi Alluvial Plain
7 Tantilla gracilis Flat-headed Snake Same Level III ecoregion, within 20 miles Ozark Highlands
8 Amphiuma tridactylum Three-toed Amphiuma Same watershed, within 30 miles Whitewater
8 Haldea striatula Rough Earthsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Eastern Ozark Border
8 Macrochelys temminckii Alligator Snapping Turtle Same watershed, within 30 miles Whitewater
8 Pseudacris maculata Boreal Chorus Frog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles River Hills
8 Thamnophis proximus Orange-striped Ribbonsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles River Hills
10 Agkistrodon piscivorus Western Cottonmouth Adjacent county, same watershed Whitewater
10 Scaphiopus holbrookii Eastern Spadefoot Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Eastern Ozark Border
10 Scaphiopus holbrookii Eastern Spadefoot Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county River Hills
10 Terrapene ornata Ornate Box Turtle Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Eastern Ozark Border
10 Terrapene ornata Ornate Box Turtle Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county River Hills
11 Kinosternon subrubrum Mississippi Mud Turtle Same Level III ecoregion, adjacent county Ozark Highlands
11 Nerodia fasciata Broad-banded Watersnake Same Level III ecoregion, adjacent county Ozark Highlands