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Chariton County, Missouri

Potential Species Records

Potential species for Chariton County. Species are listed in descending order of their likelihood of occurrence within the county. Click on a species or common name to view more information about that species. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
Likelihood Species Common Name Rationale Ecoregion / Watershed
2 Hyla chrysoscelis Cope's Gray Treefrog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Lampropeltis triangulum Eastern Milksnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
2 Lithobates clamitans Green Frog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Lithobates sylvaticus Wood Frog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Pseudacris crucifer Spring Peeper Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Scincella lateralis Little Brown Skink Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Virginia valeriae Western Smooth Earthsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
4 Ambystoma tigrinum Eastern Tiger Salamander Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
4 Anaxyrus cognatus Great Plains Toad Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
4 Opheodrys aestivus Northern Rough Greensnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
4 Pituophis catenifer Bullsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 Anaxyrus fowleri Fowler's Toad Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
6 Carphophis vermis Western Wormsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
6 Carphophis vermis Western Wormsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 Sceloporus consobrinus Prairie Lizard Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 Storeria occipitomaculata Northern Red-bellied Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
7 Ambystoma maculatum Spotted Salamander Same Level III ecoregion, within 20 miles Central Irregular Plains
7 Ambystoma opacum Marbled Salamander Same Level III ecoregion, within 20 miles Central Irregular Plains
7 Notophthalmus viridescens Central Newt Same Level III ecoregion, within 20 miles Central Irregular Plains
9 Lithobates palustris Pickerel Frog Same Level III ecoregion, within 30 miles Central Irregular Plains
10 Aspidoscelis sexlineata Six-lined Racerunner Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Missouri Alluvial Plain
10 Aspidoscelis sexlineata Six-lined Racerunner Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Loess Flats and Till Plains
10 Aspidoscelis sexlineata Six-lined Racerunner Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Rolling Loess Prairies
10 Graptemys geographica Northern Map Turtle Adjacent county, same watershed Lower Missouri-Moreau
10 Opheodrys vernalis Smooth Greensnake Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Rolling Loess Prairies
10 Opheodrys vernalis Smooth Greensnake Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Missouri Alluvial Plain
10 Opheodrys vernalis Smooth Greensnake Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Loess Flats and Till Plains
10 Tropidoclonion lineatum Lined Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Loess Flats and Till Plains
10 Tropidoclonion lineatum Lined Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Missouri Alluvial Plain
10 Tropidoclonion lineatum Lined Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, adjacent county Rolling Loess Prairies