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Andrew County, Missouri

Potential Species Records

Potential species for Andrew County. Species are listed in descending order of their likelihood of occurrence within the county. Click on a species or common name to view more information about that species. Click on column headings to sort by that column.
Likelihood Species Common Name Rationale Ecoregion / Watershed
2 Apalone mutica Midland Smooth Softshell Same watershed, within 5 miles Independence-Sugar
2 Lampropeltis holbrooki Speckled Kingsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
2 Ophisaurus attenuatus Western Slender Glass Lizard Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Plestiodon septentrionalis Prairie Skink Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
2 Terrapene ornata Ornate Box Turtle Same Level IV ecoregion, within 5 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
4 Apalone spinifera Eastern Spiny Softshell Same watershed, within 10 miles Tarkio-Wolf
4 Aspidoscelis sexlineata Six-lined Racerunner Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
4 Aspidoscelis sexlineata Six-lined Racerunner Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
4 Graptemys pseudogeographica False Map Turtle Same watershed, within 10 miles Tarkio-Wolf
4 Heterodon platirhinos Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
4 Heterodon platirhinos Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
4 Nerodia rhombifer Diamond-backed Watersnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Steeply Rolling Loess Prairies
4 Nerodia rhombifer Diamond-backed Watersnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
4 Nerodia rhombifer Diamond-backed Watersnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
4 Plestiodon obsoletus Great Plains Skink Same Level IV ecoregion, within 10 miles Rolling Loess Prairies
6 Emydoidea blandingii Blanding's Turtle Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
6 Heterodon nasicus Plains Hog-nosed Snake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
6 Lithobates pipiens Northern Leopard Frog Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
6 Virginia valeriae Western Smooth Earthsnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 20 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
8 Nerodia erythrogaster Plain-bellied Watersnake Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Missouri Alluvial Plain
8 Pseudacris crucifer Spring Peeper Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains
8 Terrapene carolina Three-toed Box Turtle Same Level IV ecoregion, within 30 miles Loess Flats and Till Plains